Friday, November 21, 2008

Magical Bananas That Turn Into Penises

There was a mutiny in the German class today! Sam and Max took over because Mrs Raby left us for at least a quarter of an hour. They make a great pair.

Chris: "What does 'Nichts wie raus hier!" mean?"
Max: "That's a really good question!"
Sam: "If we just turn the backs of our books..."
Mrs Raby came back in, she was made to knock and then she sat down at an empty seat and we carried on with the lesson.
Mrs Raby: "You could ask -them- to translate."
Sam: "Put your hand up!"
*Raises hand*
Sam: "Yes Carole?"

Mrs Raby: "Look for a past particle."
Max: "We might as well let -Carole- teach the class."

Mrs Raby: "Why are you asking them prepositions? I said past participles."
Sam: "We're warming them up."

Sam: "Ashley, you're on fire."
Jenny: "Oh, I wish."
Sam: "Jenny! Inappropriate. I'm seeing you after class."
Jenny: "Guess who topped the class for Science? You!"
Chris: "Wow. That makes me feel pretty damn good about myself."
Jenny: "That's because you are pretty damn good about yourself."
Chris: "Aww...if that made any sense whatsoever...thanks. About earlier... why were we talking about who had better conditions as a porn star?"
*Mr Perkins looks into a box with condoms and a banana that is on his desk.*
Mr Perkins: "Is this your gear then?"
Mr B: "Yep."
Mr Perkins: "I heard you had a reputation. *Really creepy laugh as he leaves the room*"
Girl reading outloud: "Cave paintings in France showed condom use."
Mr B: "I read that and thought about it, I didn't think about it for too long... but the first thing i thought was, how do you draw that?!"
Boy reading outloud: "Gabriel Fallopius found that condoms prevented pregnancies."
Mr B: "I wish that was my name. You all have to call me Gabriel Fallopius."
Boy reading outloud: "Condoms are now available in all shapes and sizes."
Hiroko: "Oooh! For a second there I was thinking squares and triangles..."
"Would you like the banana on or off? That sounds really weird..." - Mr B.
Chris: "Jenny, your phone's ringing."
Jenny: "Fucking hell. They've been fucking ringing me all day! I don't fucking know you. Leave me the fuck alone! Fuckity fuck fuck... Oh! It's Dad..."


Amanda said...

lol. thats funny.

Anonymous said...

I wished you would have answered the phone then said that.
I wonder if you would still be here...

Millie said...

Oh, that was a great German lesson!! And Emily, she did say some of that stuff when she answered the phone... it was great!!