Thursday, October 30, 2008

Where's the Gecko?

Flick: "She just wants an excuse to touch you."
Chris: "As they all do."
Jenny: "Except everyone."
Chris: "...yeah."

"You've just got to laugh when a dog gets killed by a lawnmower..." - Dad, after watching a movie where a dog gets killed by a lawnmower.

Chris: "My Dad's Grandmother died..."
Jenny: "Oh...I'm sorry. How's your Dad handling it?"
Chris: "Er ist traurig, aber nicht zu traurig. (He is sad but not too sad)."
What Jenny Heard: "Er ist traurig, aber nicht suicidal-ich."

"I don't like my skin being green..." - Dean.

Mrs Raby: "I have a really annoying bird who lives outside my bedroom window. It keeps making these noises every morning...WOO WOO, WOO WOO"
Sam: "What do you do in a morning Frau Raby?"

"I forgot to write which Congruency Test I'd used at the end!! The cardinal sin of maths teaching!" - Mrs Scollay

More advice from "Great" Aunt Lucy

I'll teach you the basics of caring for a friend with alochol poisoning:
a) Find someone else to look after them.
b) If nobody can be found


Anonymous said...

Awww. No one has commented. This post was quite short. A lack of funniness i fear is the cause.

Oh well. Theres always next time.

Millie said...

Heh, I was there for some of those, it was funny! I would have commented earlier, but I haven't been on Blogger for ages.