Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ich habe sieben Schtalkees. (I have seven stalkees.)

Tom Tom the piper's son, stole a pig and away he ran. The pig was eat and Tom was beat and he ran crying down the street.

"Turning singles into Queens!"

Never, ever try a Piggy-front. It looks far too suss... Yes, I speak from experience.

Also, never bite anyone's ankle (or jackets). They tend to think it's weird...

"Hehe, Chris...it's looking at you." - Jenny, whilst waving a sheep (or horses) eyeball in his face.


Now to figure out the name of The Guy Who Never Smiles Except The One Time He Laughed And When He Smiles. Then I'll know all the names of my Stalkees.

Jenny: "Penguin. Come with me."
Random Year 8: "Haha, it's ok Matt. Just pretend it's Jenny."
Jenny: "...How did you know my name?" (Second time I've said that in two days... I'm quite well-known)
Random Year 8: "That IS Jenny? Hahahahaha..."

Max: "Come here everyone! Jenny's talking dirty."
Jenny: "Dirty? I'll talk dirty alright. Mud, dirt...baaaaaad thiiiiings."


"Making someone waddle like a penguin is like having sex with them." - Max

"I heard that Montgomery the Lamington Judge is having an affair with a lady who likes JENNY ...jenly...JELLY LAMINGTONS!!" - Rumaden the Strong (as an ant) Man.


"I can't spell even in my dreams. I was spelling the country Baha, B-A-K-A."


Anonymous said...

Bahaha. Thats all i have to say. And now i have to go to dance.


Anonymous said...

Jenny!!!!! I love the nessa thing. That was so funny. Baha...