Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Dead Blonde Running

"Tory's brother is gay? But Tory's so gay..."

Lewis on top of image I will treasure for years to come.

Apparently Brandon was 'stirring me up' in Science so Mr Farquison gave him a 'sharp, devastating blow'.

"I feel like some kind of dalmation" - Same blonde from the title.

How the hell do you like someone you've only spoken to once?

"Come on, I want to rub it." *Class erupts into giggles* "You are dirty minded people" - Mr Sajko

I need a hug.

"You're looking more like a cult leader everyday" - Thanks Lydia.

Shampoo = Pregnancy. Why, you ask? It just does.

I hate fish. Electronic or real. They just cause trouble. Whether by vertically swimming or just by floating upside WHEN STILL ALIVE! Either way...they're not cool. At least Silver isn't. Carstairs is good ever since he stopped vertically swimming.

"I refuse to call you a clan." - "What about a clab?"

Did I mention Sajko's apple?

"Bulemic people are funny. Look at Jenny." - Prickface. Aka Abel or Brandon...not sure which one...they're all the same to me.

Chris and Max had a funny discussion at the bus stop that ended up in them insulting my brother. I can't remember how it went...

It was NOT Max's hand.


"I think Chris is shorter than Chris."


Hosford said...


:O who's hand was it then!?

:O Carstairs isnt vertical anymore :'(

Argh so much excitement.

I miss school.

Imagine if Chris was on top of Lewis...i'd watch that...Chris on top of anyone I mean.

The Ness quote is so deceptively genius.

Aww I'll give you a hug, and beat Nazza to it (although he could beat me to comment and probably wouldn't hug anyway...rude as).

So it seems your the leader of a clab now, awesome?

rztyow...bit crap but funnier out loud

Anonymous said...

I haven't linked it to him yet, stupid.

It was a bike handle...

No he isn't.

Not much really.

I don't.

I don't need to imagine it, I saw it.

It is. It really is.

He never would.


Very crap.

Oh...I don't even get a verification code.

Nazza said...

Somehow I skipped this one? Strange.

I like those strange sentences in between the good bits. They're like breaks from hilarity. But confusing.

As for hugging! I'll hug you so hard! That you'll die of asphyxiation.

Hosford said...

autoerotic asphyxiation

Millie said...

I just wanted u to remember that I was with u when the Tory quote happened. It's not really important, but yeh, i thought I'd say it.

*Honorary hug*

Sorry Jen, but sometimes I have to agree with Lydia about the cult thing!

If u hate fish, why buy them, sounds like both a death and money trap to me!!!

As for the conversation between Chris and Max at the bus stop, and ending in the insultation of ur brother, i think it was put in there somewhere that Amy liked him at one point. If not, it has been now!