Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Locker Ghost

Jenny: "Ok, you think one iron table won't be enough? I'll take two."
Dad: "That'll give you constipation."
Jenny: "Oh, crap."
Dad: "No, you won't."

Alana: "Damn you chlorophyll!!"
*A few minutes later*
Alana: "I looooooooove lettuce."

Jenny: "I'll have tea with milk and two and a half sugars please."
*Goes back to her desk and hears the following from a distance*
Dean: "What... how do you get half a sugar?"
Fletcher: "I don't even know..."

Lucy: "Ok, the girl you're about to meet... she's a bit... different. There's a rumour about her having an orgy with five men from the air force... She's awesome though."
*Later on, having been in the presence of this girl for five minutes*
Girl: "I don't like sharing."
Jenny: "That's not what I heard."

*After watching some Year 10 girl fall over*
Jenny: "Wow, she's really dirty."
Emily: "And her clothes aren't that clean either!"

My father's been in Cambodia/Laos for a couple of weeks... I've got two text messages from him. The first one said: "I just remembered Trent's birthday isn't until March... tell him he'll keep."
And the second one: "Not ALL of my text messages have mentioned Trent... oh."

I apologise for the shortness of this post. I would've waited for it to be a bit longer but Sophie scared me into doing it today. We all know how scary Sophie can be.

"I got chased by a fish while on holiday. It had teeth."


Trent the Sexy said...

How scary can Sophie be? (I can see myself regretting asking this) But either way glad it's back. What sort of timeframe are these from by the way?

Jenny said...

The first two are from the beginning of the year... and the rest are from like the last month. One of them happened only today.

No Name said...

I got a mention! Woot.
Yay for the (eventual) return of the Mou!!!
PS. I'd say how scary Sophie is but she might get me ... so I can't.

Sophie said...

i finally remembered to read it, and yes i can get pretty scary... watch out!

thank you for bringing the mou back, if only briefly :)