Friday, May 22, 2009

Tanzanians On the Moon

Jenny: "We went to England when I was 3 and we'd been visiting so many relatives... One morning Dad sent me in to wake Dougy up, he said that we were going to see Big Ben. So, I ran in and jumped on Dougy's bed shouting "COME ON DOUGLAS! WE'RE GOING TO SEE UNCLE BIG BEN! My uncle, the clock."
Mrs Greenland: "We can see the family resemblance."

*We see some Ambulances at a traffic light*
Millie: "Hey! They know where the accident is."
Jenny: "...That is the accident."
Millie: "Oh! Right! They don't stop at traffic lights, they go straight through!"
Sophie: "Blue jumper, not jacket. There's a difference."
Jenny: "You're a difference."
Sophie: "Your face is a difference."
Emily and Millie in unison: "What?"
Millie: "There are only two answers to everything. 42 or Violence."
*Sophie whacks Millie*: "No! Violence is never the answer!"

Jenny: "Has -your- brother even stolen any of your clothes?"
Caity: "No, but he did brush his hair with my brush once. I sterilised it because I didn't want to brush my hair with red hair."

Trent: "Dean was in Ireland the other day."
Jenny: "How'd he get there?"
Trent: "I dunno... drove?"
*Jenny turns to Rhiannon*: "England and Ireland are completely separate right? How could someone drive there?"
Rhiannon: "Maybe there's a bridge?"
Mrs Golder: "What topic are we going to do?"
Fletcher *Quietly*: "History..."
Jenny: "Our Science test is in two weeks."
Stick: "Woah! When'd you find that out?"
Jenny: "She just said it then where there was a dog running around the classroom."
Stick: "...There was a dog running around the classroom?"
(Yes, there had been.)
Mrs Raby: "Doll Domination. That's a stupid name for a band!"
Sam: "It's the name of the Pussy Cat Doll Tour!"
Mrs Raby: "Oh...well... That's a stupid name for a tour too."
Keiran: "Ich gehe in die Stadt."
*Mrs Raby gasps*
Keiran: "What?! What'd I do?!"
Mrs Raby: "Nothing. I was looking at my pens, trying to decide which one to use."
*Class laughs*
*Looking at three sentences on the board*
Some kid: "I agree with the first one and the last two."
Mrs Raby: "So you agree with all of them. What have I been doing for 3 years? That makes me sad. I won't sleep tonight."


Jack Depfold said...

"*Jenny turns to Rhiannon*: "England and Ireland are completely separate right? How could someone drive there?""
Flying cars, obviously. Sheesh.

"Stick: "...There was a dog running around the classroom?""
Yes there was, a very awesome dog.

And it still amuses me that Sam went to a Pussycat Dolls concert hahah.

Anonymous said...

Guess what I found out!! You get from England to Ireland by ferry!! (No bridges, how sad).
How could Stick not notice the dalmation that was running around. Its not exactly like its a common thing to have a dog upstairs in computer room. No nothing slightly out of the ordinary there at all.
I commented. Now you can't get mad.

Sophie said...

you forgot to put in the "wrapt" unintended pun from the bus back to school...
otherwise, great post!!!!!!! v. funny! i should probably update mine one day... or not.

Chia L'Étranger said...

I always miss the good German lessons, don't I. Everything good happens when I'm not there. Ah well, that's what I read this blog for. Twas indeed quite funny.

No Name said...

There ... was a dog? Why wasn't I told. i would have run from my class to see it.

Did your spacing get confused too?Cause i accidently read a few of the quotes together .. didnt really make much sense.

Sophie is getting funnier! Alas i am not.

Millie said...

Haha malit. Right, the post, i think I was there for nearly all of those, they were so funny, Mrs Raby is the best teacher!! And how was I to know that those Ambulances were resuscitating someone??? << did I spell that right?