Thursday, April 9, 2009

In the order I wrote it all down in...

Emily: "Did you know cats are less likely to get tick paralysis because they groom themselves?"
Jenny: "Haha, sucks to be a dog."

Emily: "It doesn't look like much."
Jenny: "You don't look like much."
Emily: "But I pack quite a punch."

Emily: "You're older than me, you'll die first. Especially if you get run over by someone who looks like your friends."
Jenny: "Yeah, especially if it looks like one of my friends who has cancer but really wants to outlive me."
Emily: "So, if I get cancer, beware."

Jenny: "What's the plural for moose?"
Mrs Raby: "Meese."
Jenny: "No, that can't be right. Look! There's a herd of meese! It just doesn't sound right."
Millie: "Argh! There's a herd of mooses trampling me!"

"Sodomy's a word? I thought you made it up... What does it mean?" - Sophie (we didn't explain it to her).

The other day I was collecting all the spare 5c and 10c coins that I could to get $6 to pay someone back for something they bought me, but in the most annoying way possible because they have been a real jerk. For any of the clever people who realise that by doing this, I'm actually being a jerk, I would like you to note that I'm doing it in a really creative way! =D Unlike them...jerk.

I would also like to publically thank those who gave their shrapnel for such a good cause. Special mention for Laura, who donated $1.10 (you really need to count your money more often).

Jenny *trying to scab money of Mrs Raby*: "What if I told you my cat was sick?"
Mrs Raby: "Then I'd say kill it and eat it."

Mrs Bro gave me 10c! ...I lied about what it was for, but still! Mrs Bro is nice.

Jenny: "The people I stalk always seem to leave school."
*Guy I'm talking to cracks up*
Jenny: "I mean as Year 12's!"

To get back at the Geography faculty for letting Mr Perkins be in charge of Year 10 Geography... I stole a clipboard. All those who agree with me, please, do NOT hand your clipboards back.

That'll teach 'em! (Shame on everyone who has already given theirs back)

Dougy: "The train from Chippendin to Frankston's free."
Mum: "Hahaha, not technically darling."
Dougy: "There's no where to buy a ticket! Where are you supposed to buy a ticket?! The imaginary ticket man?!"
Dad: "You can only get imaginary tickets from the imaginary ticket man, don't be silly."

I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Easter! May your mouths be absolutely covered in chocolate.
And I hope that Amanda and Millie have a great Easter despite their chocolate intolerance. For, we must remember. Easter is not just about the chocolate. It is also about the Easter Bilby.

On a serious note, bilbies are endangered animals and you should donate money so they become not endangered, magically, through the proceeds, somehow.


Jack Depfold said...

First comment (Oh snap everyone else, feel the burn.)

I think the plural of moose is moose, and how it is used denotes whether it is plural or singular :P

"Mrs Raby: "Then I'd say kill it and eat it."" Gotta love Mrs Raby, you just don't get kinder than that anywhere except Redcar.... why do I know this...

Happy Easter everyone =D

Sophie said...

Why dodn't i get a mention? i donated $2 to that cause!!!!!!!! and i didn't even ask what it was for...
sorry, i already gave my clipboard back... but i fully support your effort!
yes, happy easter too! and, did you know, the easter bilby can find you in other countries too? when i was in america for easter, i got a chocolate bilby. how awesome is that???!!!

No Name said...

Sophie was in America for Easter? Ha, how sad. For the next 3 days my house is now another country. Fear me or I will invade Australia. Huh maybe im the evil invading country from the Tomorrow series ....
Note to self: Invade Australia.

Yes and happy easter everyone! Hope you get lots of yummy chocolates. I know where mum hid ours, next room from mine. I could eat them all tonight and no one would ever know. Except everyone. Hehe.

TTYL All. xoxo Emily.

Sophie said...

yes, easter about 8 years ago was in america. 3 years ago i was in NZ, i think it was a bunny though.

well, my mum is so organised that we bought chocolate on saturday. that is, i was there helping her choose...

Millie said...

Haha, damn! I already gave my clipboard back! Also, I'm pretty luck, cos I got a fair bit of chocolate from my grandparents, so it's all good for me! German really is a great class, and pity for the holidays, you're gonna have trouble getting more quotes... unless you call Mrs Raby!!