Monday, December 22, 2008

I just ate a grape.

Remember the out of uniform day? I do...vaguely. One event stands out. I was standing with one foot on one bench, and my other foot on another one. Amanda had spent the day taking photos. She ran up to me in this position eagerly... saying "Ooh! I have to take a photo of this to show my American hosts what Christmas looks like!"

Me with my legs apart is what Christmas looks like...apparently.
Jenny: "Who's going into bat now? Clark(e) or Johnson?"
Mum: "Hussey."
Dad: "...Easy mistake to make."
Coupla weekends ago, I saw Twilight with Emily and Sophie. I would highly endorse this movie for anyone. Best Comedy of 2008. =)
Highlights of the movie: Jasper's Face. (Seriously, look it up on Google. It is H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S) Edward Cullen's walk, and in general, the way he speaks. "Hellooooo, I'm Edwaaard Culleeeen, you're Bellaaaa." Retard.
Of course, with all this I couldn't help laughing all the time and whispering to Emily. At one point the girls in front of us turned around and very politely said
"Will you please shut up?"
After 10 seconds or so I whispered to Emily "Oops..." and she cracked up.
We're not very good at the being quiet thing.
*Jenny bumps into a desk*
"Ow! ...I'm not clumsy at all."
Sophie: "I believe you."
*Jenny knocks a chair over*
Jenny: "...Well that's just funny."
Emily: "This wind is so gay!"
Jenny: "Yeah! It's really homosexual. I bet it's blowing in the other direction to have gay sex with the wind there."
Jenny: "This Acca Dacca?"
Emily: "No! It's AC/DC."
Jenny: "I'm really weird."
Dean: "No. Weird is wanting to have sex with corpses, weird is enjoying being vomitted on, weird is a sexual attraction to babies."
Jenny: "N'aww... thank you."
(Because that proves I'm not weird...see? Just thought you should all know.)


Anonymous said...

What do you mean. I am fabulous at being quite. With you around though not very.
I loved Twilight. Gawd Carlisle is hawt. Sigh. And Jasper's face is very too funny to not laugh at. If ya get what i mean...

Good Chrissie update.

Merry Xmas All!

Millie said...

HAHAHA Jaspers Face!!! Hmm, good movie, nowhere near as good as the book. No, Jenny, I'm pretty sure you're still kinda weird...

oh, and my activation code was reards, add a t in the middle, and i think its trying to tell us something