Monday, June 23, 2008

My ear attracts books.

On the same English story mentioned in an earlier post:
Mr Grogan: "Why kidnap someone and give them extra arms?"
Jenny: "Why not?"
*Mr Grogan chuckles*: "Why not indeed..."

You learn a lot about people in German class, I mean who knew that Sam wanted to marry Max and have 21 children, that Keiran wanted to be a sheep, Saxon wanted to make arms or that Geordie wanted a sex change?

Of course we all knew that Trent wanted to become Chris.

Mooy: "I just groped Jenny"
Amy: "We've all been there"

Jenny: "What's yellow and very dangerous? A BANANA WITH A MACHINE GUN!!"
*Dad looks at Mum*: "This is all your fault. You should never have slept with me."

Mrs Noonan: "We had a security guard in Uganda that we paid to protect us...he was arrested for rape."

I love those cheeky people who made such a commotion in Assembly the other day by pulling the chairs out from the girls sitting in front of them.

GO ME! ... not that I...had do with it of course... =D believe me?


Ness: "Can you play House of the Rising Sun on the piano?"
Me: "Yeah"
Me: "...on what?"
Ness: "Ooh yeah, there isn't a piano in the middle of a corridor is there?"

I wonder if she says these things deliberately...


Chia L'Étranger said...

Hello. Reading this blog brightens my day. I have nothing else to say =P.


Anonymous said...

Haha, i saw that in assembly .. i was sitting behind it like you.... not suspicious at ALL.

Haha i so wanna kidnap people and give them extra arms. OMG that can be a job for the singing yoga class that throw pianos at sevies!!

I like these blogs reminds me of fun times at skool, oh and ness was very interested to find out she had a weekly quote.. but they are soo funny!

Till Next Time, you know you love me, ex oh ex oh

Anonymous said...

I am left speechless afterreading these whether that is good or bad is yet to be decided

Anonymous said...

Was that "arms" as in weapons? Or ...arms?

Ness says those things deliberately. It's a conspiracy...

Hosford said...

great post i love it

Nazza said...

If you truly were able to play House of the Rising Sun a piano would magically appear.

Bananas in Pyjamas would be so much better if they had machine guns.

Amanda said...

hey jen. yeah i'm pretty sure those girls was my. I mean, one of those girls was me. and how do I remember this from about 6 months ago, I'm not exactly sure . . .