Friday, May 22, 2009

Tanzanians On the Moon

Jenny: "We went to England when I was 3 and we'd been visiting so many relatives... One morning Dad sent me in to wake Dougy up, he said that we were going to see Big Ben. So, I ran in and jumped on Dougy's bed shouting "COME ON DOUGLAS! WE'RE GOING TO SEE UNCLE BIG BEN! My uncle, the clock."
Mrs Greenland: "We can see the family resemblance."

*We see some Ambulances at a traffic light*
Millie: "Hey! They know where the accident is."
Jenny: "...That is the accident."
Millie: "Oh! Right! They don't stop at traffic lights, they go straight through!"
Sophie: "Blue jumper, not jacket. There's a difference."
Jenny: "You're a difference."
Sophie: "Your face is a difference."
Emily and Millie in unison: "What?"
Millie: "There are only two answers to everything. 42 or Violence."
*Sophie whacks Millie*: "No! Violence is never the answer!"

Jenny: "Has -your- brother even stolen any of your clothes?"
Caity: "No, but he did brush his hair with my brush once. I sterilised it because I didn't want to brush my hair with red hair."

Trent: "Dean was in Ireland the other day."
Jenny: "How'd he get there?"
Trent: "I dunno... drove?"
*Jenny turns to Rhiannon*: "England and Ireland are completely separate right? How could someone drive there?"
Rhiannon: "Maybe there's a bridge?"
Mrs Golder: "What topic are we going to do?"
Fletcher *Quietly*: "History..."
Jenny: "Our Science test is in two weeks."
Stick: "Woah! When'd you find that out?"
Jenny: "She just said it then where there was a dog running around the classroom."
Stick: "...There was a dog running around the classroom?"
(Yes, there had been.)
Mrs Raby: "Doll Domination. That's a stupid name for a band!"
Sam: "It's the name of the Pussy Cat Doll Tour!"
Mrs Raby: "Oh...well... That's a stupid name for a tour too."
Keiran: "Ich gehe in die Stadt."
*Mrs Raby gasps*
Keiran: "What?! What'd I do?!"
Mrs Raby: "Nothing. I was looking at my pens, trying to decide which one to use."
*Class laughs*
*Looking at three sentences on the board*
Some kid: "I agree with the first one and the last two."
Mrs Raby: "So you agree with all of them. What have I been doing for 3 years? That makes me sad. I won't sleep tonight."

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Jenny: "Is the actor who played Mr Brady dead?"
Mum: "Yes. He was gay."
Jenny: "...That doesn't necessarily mean he's dead."

Sophie and David Tennant are like best friends. Her old friend from primary school has a grandmother living in Scotland across the lake from David Tennant's grandmother!! How close are they?
What really is amazing is my Doctor Who obsessed pal Laura actually found that amazing and will track down Sophie's old primary school friend's grandmother's address, and post something to the little old lady who lives across the lake and ask her to get her grandson's autograph for a poor little Australian girl.

Mr Priestley: "We're going to watch a show that was on TV last night."
Sarah: "Is this the show that was on at the same time as that other show?"

Caity is not a slut.

Jenny: "Wow! You remembered your glasses today!"
Caity: "Yes, I remembered my glasses today. They're a bit dirty though. I think I need new ones."

"THE FIRES AND BRIMSTONE OF HELL! THE FIRES OF DEATH WILL COME FOR YOU!" - Mrs Golder (Talking about scaring Aboriginal children into believing in Christianity. Believe me?)

Jenny has a wonderful talent for guessing the colour of peoples underwear.

Jenny: "Can I marry your brother to get a red head kid one day?"
Caity: "I spose. My Mum has red hair but I don't think Dad would like it if you married her."

*After hearing the mention of the excursion*
Jenny: "When IS the excursion?"
Mrs Greenland, Millie and Emily altogether: "Tomorrow."
Jenny: "...Oh dear."
At 12.30 last night, my cat was running wildly up and down the house. I got out of bed to see what was wrong with her. She ran into the kitchen. I switched on the light and followed her. She was sitting in front of her dishes. I picked her up and moved her a centimetre closer so she would eat it. Once she began I tried to go back to bed but everytime I tried to move she would stop eating and look at me pathetically.
I think my cat is scared of the dark. This is funny because MY CAT CAN SEE IN THE DARK!!!
I got very good marks for my Geography test today. There are a few questions I'm surprised at getting full marks for.
For example:

Identify 4 negative impacts of the increasing urbanisation of Australia's coastline. (4 Marks)
Increased population means increased pollution and rubbish. It also means development which interferes with the natural order. People will go fishing and so the water will be overfished, then you must import more fish. Development will also ruin the serenity of Australia's beaches.

What does Photo 1 tell us about the history of Catherine Hill Bay? (2 marks)
Photo 1 shows a working Jetty with something on it I can't make out. If I could see it, I'm sure I could answer this question better.
It also has what appears to be a cart laden with coal. Showing Catherine Hill Bay used to be a mining town.

Go the Geography faculty for being easy on me!

I almost regret stealing their clipboard...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A rock is a chicken.

*Writing about an artist in PDM who takes photos of bridges and dogs*
Jenny: "Robert Billington was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he. He called for a dog and a bridge and some puppies times three. He took some photos of Australian landmarks and then went to the WC."
Others: "WC?"
Jenny: "It was in another Old King Cole parody I read once. WC stands for Water Closet...toilet."
Sophie: "Where does the U come from?"

Jenny: "Nyet."
Mrs Raby: "Are you right? You're speaking Russian."

Jenny, talking to Zooty on the bus: "Actually a break up really makes you feel loved. Your friends are just... so supportive and loving."
Emily, interrupts: "Hey! Jenny! Is that bus driver wearing lip gloss?!"
Zooty: "That's supportive?"

Sophia: "Jenny, do you wear a hat?"
Jenny: "No... my hair is naturally kinky. It keeps poking me in the eye!"

"Cavemen had condoms? But why are there so many people?" - Rhiannon

Geordie: "Do you want the work on a piece of paper?"
Mrs Raby: "No, I want it in the air. I'll catch the words. *Does some weird actions*"

*After Caity was fiddling with Jenny's hair*
Jenny: "Can I have my hair back to normal now?"
Caity: "You look fine! You look normal. More normal than usual! No! I mean you look good. Gooder!"

Jenny: "Let's follow the rainbow!"
Mum: "It'll only lead us to Kansas."
Jenny: "...Don't you mean Oz?"
Mum: "No. We're already in Oztralia."
Jenny: "...You and Dad have been married far too long."

This post was written on the back of a dead horse hanging off a cliff.